2023 Seed Trial Pack
100 seeds from
8 different Hemp Strains
All varietals listed with the
Texas department of Agriculture
Now only $750
How do you know what’s going to grow well in your field?
What hemp strains work best in your soil and climate conditions?
No one really knows.
You can guess or you can do a field trial. At OHG, we have created a FIELD TRIAL PROGRAM to solve this very issue.
Partnering with OHG allows farms to enter the Industrial Hemp seed market with years of hemp breeding experience and knowledge. OHG maintains a large library of Industrial Hemp Genetics that comply with current USDA laws that require a total THC level of less than 0.3%. Our sister company Oregon Hemp Analytics provides necessary testing services to ensure the performance of our stock.
Simply select a package below, plant in your field and select your best plants. Along with your seed purchase, OHG includes analytical testing of your top performing plants.
Oregon Hemp Genetics
25450 SW Garden Acres Rd
Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 885-3162
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Weekends: By Appointment